Hey ladies,
I wasn’t sure if I liked this recipe at first. So, I thought this cookie recipe was an ok recipe, so I tweaked it until I got it right. I couldn’t give you all a bogus recipe. I want to give you all good, tasty quality recipes. So, after a few tries, I came up with an easy-to-make sweet potato cookie. What makes this cookie recipe stand out from all the others is that it’s a sugar cookie base with a sweet potato filling in the middle.
These cookies shine bright when they are made a day ahead before serving and stored in the refrigerator overnight. When they are served out of the refrigerator, I can’t explain it. The cookies are like a cloud. They are so fluffy and airy. Well, the filling it’s light and fluffy too. It’s not too dense or too sweet, it’s the perfect balance of flavors and textures.
Easy to Make Sweet Potato Cookie

Let’s start making this easy-to-make sweet potato cookie together
1st you will need to boil and bake a large sweet potato. Once the potato is done, mash and set aside.
Preheat the oven to 350
Line your pan with parchment paper.
To make the cookie batter, you will get a medium size bowl, add your softened or melted butter with a pinch of cinnamon, and the cookie mix, and mix together until the batter is smooth.
Once the batter is smooth, take about 2 tablespoons and roll the cookie batter in your hand.
Now, there should be a cinnamon pack that came with the snickerdoodle mix. Open the pack and put the sugar mix in a separate bowl.
Take the cookie ball and place it in the cinnamon sugar mix. I only dipped the top of the cookie because I know the filling is going in the center of the cookie when complete.
Once you place the cookie in the cinnamon sugar mix go ahead and place it on the cookie sheet. Remember, you do not want the cookie to be too big. 2 ½ inches when cooking should be your aim. Repeat this process until all cookies are cooked.
When your cookies are in the oven.

Get ready to make the sweet potato mix.
In a blender, add your whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla. Blend on high until a stiff peak, next add your Sweet potato puree, and spices, stir in the blender, and turn the blender on medium speed. This should not take anymore than 5-10 minutes. Place in the refrigerator.
Let the cookies cool. Remove the sweet potato mix from the refrigerator, flip the cooled cookies over and add the sweet potato mix to one cookie, and place another cookie on top.

Repeat this process until all cookies are filled. Place these cookies in the refrigerator and be ready to receive compliments from everybody. Enjoy